Upload, add or edit suppliers
If the setting 'Users can add suppliers' is turned on in the Purchases and Expenses settings page, then any employee can add a supplier on the purchase or expense form.
However, that doesn't automatically mean that those suppliers are added to the list of approved suppliers in Turbine.
Turbine allows purchasing managers to have an approved list of suppliers. User-created suppliers are added as a one-off for a single request and then they are put in the list of inactive suppliers. You can move them to the list of approved suppliers and then they will appear in the drop down list of suppliers on the request form.
Adding suppliers individually
Many companies allow users to add suppliers in an initial onboarding process to see what suppliers are in use in the company and then stop the ability for users to add new suppliers while purchasing managers prepare an approved supplier list.
After that, you may need to add new suppliers to the list. Here's how:
- Log in as an admin user
- Select Purchases and Expenses from the Settings menu
- Scroll to the bottom of the page to find the Suppliers section
- Click Add supplier
- Fill in the relevant details and click Save supplier
- The supplier name and country are required fields, the others are optional
Editing supplier information
- Log in as an admin user
- Select Purchases and Expenses from the Settings menu
- Scroll to the bottom of the page to find the Suppliers section
- Click on the little pencil icon next to the name of the supplier you want to edit
- Update the information and click Save supplier
- If you can't see the supplier you're looking for, you may need to click on Show all NN or Show inactive to reveal all the suppliers in the system
Uploading suppliers in bulk
- Login as an admin user
- On the Settings menu, select Upload data
- Download the template file 'suppliers.csv' from this page
- Add your suppliers to that spreadsheet
- Save it as a CSV file
- Upload the file on this same page in Turbine
- Please be careful to use the correct country codes. Things will go badly wrong if you don't!
How to stop users adding suppliers, or allow it
- Login as an admin user
- On the Settings menu, select Purchases and expenses

- Click on the slider 'Users can add suppliers' to turn this feature on or off
- Scroll to the bottom of the page and click Save changes
Showing or hiding suppliers in the drop-down menu of approved suppliers
To move a supplier from the inactive list to the active, approved list:
- Log in as an admin user
- Select Purchases and Expenses from the Settings menu
- Scroll to the bottom of the page to find the Suppliers section
- Click Show inactive to see the list of user-created and other inactive suppliers
- Inactive and user-created suppliers are shown in grey
- To move one of these suppliers to the master list: Click on the pencil next to the name,
- uUntick the Inactive supplier slider and click Save changes
- To move an active supplier to the inactive list, do the same thing but in reverse
You may need to click on the small button that says 'Show all NN' if you have more than five suppliers.