Make someone an admin user or change admin permissions

To make someone an admin user, you need to be an admin user yourself.

Then follow these steps:

  1. Log into Turbine
  2. Select Admins and roles on the Settings menu
  3. In the relevant box on that page, start typing the user's name
  4. Their name should pop up in the list below the box and you can select them
  5. Once they are added to the box, they will have new admin permissions

If you want to remove someone's admin permissions, just click on the 'x' by their name.

The different boxes give different permissions, as follows:

  • People who are responsible for purchasing. They will see approved POs and can mark them received and completed. Typically this is for accounts payable or people who are responsible for checking in recievables.
  • People who are responsible for paying expenses claims. They will see approved expenses and can mark them paid and completed. Typically this role is for finance people who enter approved expenses into payment runs or accounts systems.
  • People who get invoices, can amend credit card details and see old invoices. Usually this is for finance people who need to get receipts from Turbine itself or who manage subscription payments to Turbine.
  • Admin users who can see and edit almost anything except Turbine account details. They can see, amend, edit and approve any request.
  • Super-admin users are admin users who can also manage Turbine account details, including credit card settings and billing history. Super-admins can cancel the account altogether.

For continuity, we recommend having at least a couple of admin users and always adding a new one before deleting the last remaining super-admin.

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